
Thursday, October 26, 2023

हम पापा की परियां , हमें तो नई करवाचौथ मनानी !

हम पापा की परियां , हमें तो नई करवाचौथ मनानी !

छोड़ो कल की बातें ,   कल की बात पुरानी,

नए दौर में करवा चौथ,   अब के नई मनानी ,

हम पापा की परियां,    हैं तो लिखी पढ़ी जनानी!

लगा लो नौकर चाकर,    हुई हम तो घरों की रानी!

श्रृंगार और शान का दिवस,   ये तो है सालाना,

इसे पूरे मन से इस बार तो,   कुछ नया है निभाना,

निर्जला ना सही बसकी ,   व्रत तो रख ही जाना ,

निभ जाए जितना उतना ही,   होता है बस निभाना।

ताने तेरे तरकश में थे बहुत ,   पुराने ओ जमाने ,

तेरे चलाने से ही क्या,   चलते हम सब जाते,

तूझे पता क्या? आते है,   तुमको तो मुंह पिचकाने!

परवाह करते रहें  तेरी ही,   चाहे बस तू माने!


बदल गया जमाना,   सवाल खुद पर उठाना जी,

जमाने को बद अब भी करते,   कुछ मुठ्ठी भर ही,

अपना कौन किसे बेगाना,    तुम जो किया करते हो !

अपनी जुबां की गुलामी,    जी भर भर किया करते हो !

बेटियों के हक की बातें,   ना तुम्हारे बस की हो ,

मेरी मेरी कह अहंकार,   बस पिया करते हो !

अपनो के लिए ,ले राय,   है किया जाता जो,

निभाएं सदा संग जाय हम,   आता कुछ और  तुमको?

रुलाने के बहाने तुम ढूंढो ,   चाहे कितने गिन भी,

हम तो जीने की खुशियां ,   खुद बना तो लेंगें ही,

कर पुराने जमाने हमको,   कर ले अकेला कितना भी!

जंगल में मंगल खुद आप ,    हम तो सजा लेंगें ही !

मर मर के बांधे हो घर को ,    तुम पक्की डोर हो !

तो सुनो बहन बेटी बहु ,    सारी मम्मियां जो हो !

मान-सिंदूर-संग मांग को,    अबकी जी भर सजाओ! 

अबके कुछ निराला ही व्रत,    तुम कर जाओ!

नारी नर को जन्म दे,    नर से पिछड़ी जाती क्यों,

पालना दोनो को था समान,   तुम वो कर जाती जो,

बताओ आधी दुनियां,    बात समझ ना पाती तो,

आधी दुनिया खुद पर यो,   इतना इतराती क्यों ?

अजी निराला करवा अब के,   तुमको नया सजाना!

अब के बरस तुम करवाचौथ,   अजी ऐसे निभाना,

तुम्हारे जीने के जो मायने हैं,   अजी खूब ही समझाना,

आधे दिन उपवास अबके ,   पति देव से भी करवाना!



Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Ravana's Lanka



Ravana’s Lanka


Ravana’s Lanka, by his pride consumed,

By lustful fire to ashes soon was bloomed.

His wicked deeds had earned a bitter fate,

And Sita’s abduction sealed his gloomy state.


For he, a man of power and might,

Deemed Sita weak, and challenged Heaven’s light.

But she, a goddess pure and strong, defied,

His every move, his every wicked stride.


So every year, in Ramlila’s embrace,

We burn Lanka, to wipe his evil trace.

A symbol of the downfall of the proud,

Of how the wicked always will be bowed.


But Ravana’s Lanka was not just a place,

It was a mirror of his inner disgrace.

His arrogance, his lust, and his disdain,

All burned within, and consumed his domain.






Sunday, October 22, 2023

ऐ भारत! तूझे कोटि कोटि प्रणाम !

भारत! तूझे कोटि कोटि प्रणाम !


भारत! तूझे कोटि कोटि प्रणाम

रहे गौरव गाथा का सदा जग में प्रमाण,

अंतरिक्ष में तेरा अब तो परचम लहराता,

सूर्य तारों से नयन , अदा से है मिलाता


उदीप्त तेरी ज्योति से, सभी तेरे अभियान

हो विशिष्ट चंद्रयान, आदित्य या समुद्रयान,

जैसे अंतरिक्ष मिशन सफल, होंगें शेष भी,

सीमा नहीं तेरे अतुलनीय ज्ञान विशेष की


2008 की चंद्रयान1 उड़ान हुआ सिद्ध मील का पत्थर,

पानी खोजें वहां , 312 दिन चंद्र की परिक्रमा कर कर,

पहला चंद्र मिशन गौरवशाली इतिहास है रचे,

अन्य अभूतपूर्व खोजों से भी, हमें अनुग्रहित करे


2019 में चंद्रयान-2 भी सपनो सी उड़ान भरे,

चला रोवर लैंडर उतारने चंद्रमा के आलिंगन में,

ना पूर्ण सफल हुआ किन्तु लैंडर रोवर तैनाती में,

पर अब भी ऑर्बिटर की सफलता थी हमारे हाथ में


जून 2023, चंद्रयान-3 भी सफल उड़ान भरें,

सॉफ्ट लैंडिंग कर चंद्र चुम्बन से इतिहास रचे,

इस मिशन से इसरो सिखाए, हम कुछ भी कर दिखाए,

असम्भव नहीं,भारत किसी भी मुकाम को छू जाए


2023 जुलाई एक, आदित्य की पहली उड़ान बनी,

सूर्य अध्ययन करना, उसकी ज्वलंत योजना थी

सटीक उपकरणों से, प्रत्येक किरण का विश्लेषण करता है,

क्रोमोस्फीयर,फोटोस्फियर पर डेटा उजागर करेगा ,करता है


2023 की 22 अक्टूबर को गगनयान आसमां छुआ,

हमारी पहली मानव अंतरिक्ष उड़ान, एक सपना सच हुआ,

विज्ञान और साहस की हुए फिर एक और नई जीत,

आओ बच्चो! तुम भी बनो, स्पेस एक्सप्लोरेशन के मीत


2025 में लो फिर समुद्रयान भी तो जाएगा,

गहरे समुद्र में, खोजने गहरे ज्ञान डुबकी लगाएगा,

यह मिशन हमें ग्रह की अनंत संभावनाएं  दिखाएगा,

भारत हमारा, विश्व विजयी फिर से ही कहलाएगा !



Thursday, October 19, 2023

निमंत्रण है आपको , अगर स्वीकार हैं

निमंत्रण  है आपको  , अगर स्वीकार हैं


चलिए कुछ  अच्छा  कह जाएं,

चलिए कुछ  अच्छा सुन  जाएं,

चलिए  कुछ अच्छा कर  जाएं,

पैसों से दूर,  इक जहां सजाएं,


इस जीवन की  तंग गलियां सी क्यों है,

ख्वाहिशों पर ख्वाहिशें, बड़ी सी क्यों हैं,

ये दिल फिर भी सुकून का तलबगार हैं,

इसे भी तो ,रोज ही खुशी की दरकार हैं,

 ये एहसासों का तराना है,

भीग जाए जिसमे मन ,

वही तो गुनगुनाना है,

आप कदम तो बढ़ाइए, 

हर मोड़ पर नया फसाना है,


अपने हिस्से का कुछ मीठा ढूंढ लाते हैं,

कुछ बड़ियां सा हम भी परोस जाते  हैं,

रंग कुछ कुछ अपना ऐसे छोड़ जाते  हैं,

चलो मिलकर , रंग इंद्रधनुषी सजाते हैं !



Tuesday, October 17, 2023



When your silence speaks,

Your words fly with wings,


And reflecting your soul they sing,

Your thoughts resonate with wind,


And they soar high, glide through the air.

For untold symphonies, just to share.



Friday, October 13, 2023

बादल आज तुम जम के बरसो!


"बादल आज तुम जम के बरसो"

बादल आज तुम जम के बरसो,

धरा की प्यास बुझाने बरसो,

तुम इसको अमृत से भर दो,

धरती को फिर पावन कर दो।


पहाड़ों  पर तुम घिर घिर आओ,

फट बह बह झरने बन जाओ,

तालाब तलहटी तर कर जाओ ,

कण कण में जीवन ज्योत जगाओ।


मैदानों पर उमड़ घुमड़ मचाओ,

जाकर सूरज की तपिश हटाओ,

खेतों में जीवन बन लहलाओ, 

पशु पक्षी आनंदित कर आओ।


जलते , जंगली  आग बुझाओ,

सूखे वनों को प्राण लौटाओ,

सब प्यासे भटकते जाओ जाओ,

नव जीवन की लहर दौड़ाओ


मरू भूमि की तड़पन मिटाओ,

उसमे जाकर धड़कन सजाओ,

उसकी सूखी झोली भर आओ,

बन हरियाली वहां बस जाओ।


पहाड़ी ढलानें धाराओं से धोकर,

मैदानी हवाओं की आर्द्रता भिगोकर,

वनों की पत्तियों में टपक खनक कर,

रेगिस्तानी सपनो में सिमट लिपट कर।


बादल आज तुम जम के बरसो,

धरा की प्यास बुझाने बरसो,

तुम इसको अमृत से भर दो,

धरती को फिर पावन कर दो।




Monday, October 9, 2023

सफ़ेद स्याह

शिकायत करे तुमसे, कोई इस सफ़ेदी की, बता देना ,
स्याही उतर रही,कागज़ों पर रोज़-रोज़,
पूछते थक भी जाओ तो पढ़ लेना,
उठा के नजर किसी रोज़ !


Sunday, October 8, 2023

Indian women

Indian women

Indian women, they hold their place,
Laws have been made to ensure their grace.
Yet oppression still does reign,
An irony that causes pain.

Education they receive,
And in their careers they achieve.
But at home, their rights are less,
A misfortune, a duress.

In politics, they play their part,
Serving the nation with all their heart.
But respect in society, they lack,
A sadness that leaves them slack.

In sports, they win medals bright,
Bringing glory with all their might.
But praise like male players, they do not get,
A tragedy that leaves them upset

In art and literature, they inspire,
Their contributions set hearts on fire.
But fame like male artists, they do not see,
An imperfection that's free.

As mothers, they nurture their children dear,
With love and care, they persevere.
But help in household chores, they do not find,
An injustice that leaves them blind.

As wives, they support their husbands true,
Standing by them through thick and thin.
But domestic violence, they may face,
A painful scar, a bitter chase.

As daughters, they care for their parents dear,
With love and devotion, they shed no tear.
But equal respect from them, they do not see,
A dishonesty, a decree.


भारत की नारी

भारत की नारी

प्राचीन भारत में भी था स्थान ,
आज भी अधिकार, कहां उत्थान?
यह है अत्याचार, क्यों?
यह एक विडंबना, पर क्यों?

शिक्षा,आजीविका में विजय मिलती ,
घर के अधिकारों, कहां है गिनती,
यह है एक दुर्भाग्य, क्यों?
यह है एक कटुता, पर क्यों!

राजनीति और सेवा मे आकर भी,
उतना उसे समाज में सम्मान नहीं,
यह है दुख, क्यों?
यह है कड़वाहट, पर क्यों?

पदक जीत कर गौरवान्वित करती ,
पुरुष खिलाड़ियों सी प्रशंसा नहीं,
यह है एक त्रासदी, क्यों?
यह है एक अपमान, पर क्यों?

कला और साहित्य मे होकर भी,
पुरुष कलाकारों सी ख्याति नहीं,
यह है एक अपूर्णता, क्यों?
यह है एक कमी, पर क्यों?

माँ है, बच्चों को पालती जहां,
घर के कामों में सहयोग कहां,
यह है एक अन्याय, क्यों?
यह है एक अपमान, पर क्यों?

पत्नी है, पति का देती है साथ,
घरेलू हिंसा का पाए प्रसाद,
यह है एक दर्द, क्यों?
यह है एक त्रासदी, पर क्यों?

करें माता-पिता की सेवा ,सम्मान,
परंतु हक मिलते कहां समान ?
यह है एक बेईमानी, क्यों?
यह है एक धोखा,पर क्यों?

उठो , नारी करते आह्वान !
अधिकारों को लड़ो , पाया ज्ञान,
अपनी आवाज़ इतना बुलंद करो,
अपना मान, सम्मन प्राप्त करो !


Friday, October 6, 2023

**The Queen's Quest: A Poetess's Realm**

**The Queen's Quest: A Poetess's Realm**

In a land not so far away, 🌎
Where the sun shone bright, ☀️ but the people blindfold 😷obeyed, 👫👑,
A king 👑 ruled with an iron sway, ⛓️,
And the people lived in fear and dismay. 😥🥶

But then arose a poetess's voice, 🤷🏼‍♀️🎤,
That could not be ignored, its choice, 📢🗣️,
To speak the truth, to wake the soul, 💡🧠,
And make the people bold. 💪

**Verses: The Poetess's Call**

Arise, my people, arise!
Let us break the tyrant's chains ⛓️.
Let us unite our hearts and minds 🧠❤️,
And build a nation anew 👫👫👫🤝.

Too long have we suffered under his rule 👑,
Too long have we lived in fear 😥🥶.
But now the time has come to stand up, 👫👫👫✊,
And fight for our freedom, dear 🕊️.

We are the people, and we have the power, 👫👫👫💪,
To shape our own destiny 👫👫👫🤝.
We will not be ruled by a tyrant, 🤴,
We will not be slaves ⛓️, you see 👁️.

We will build a nation based on justice, ⚖️,
Equality, 🤝, and peace ☮️.
Where everyone is valued, 👫👫👫❤️,
And where everyone has a voice 👫👫👫🗣️.

So come, my people, let us join hands, 👫👫👫🤝,
And create a better world 🌎.
A world where everyone can thrive, 📈,
And where our children can unfurl 👫👫👫🕊️.

***Verses: A Poetess's Call to Action*

Her poem spread like wildfire, from town to town, 🔥🏘️,
And the people began, to gather around. 👫👫👫,
They marched in the streets, they raised their voices, 🥁📣,
Demanding justice and their choices. ⚖️🤝

**Verses: The Tyrant's Response**

The king 👑 was furious, he tried to stop them, 🤬✋,
But the people were united, they would not succumb, 👫👫👫🤝,
To stand their ground, to fight as one, ⚔️🛡️,
Until the king's 👑 reign was done. 🔚

**Verses:The Queens Quest

But poetess queen 👸 knew, the fight was not over, ⚔️😔.
Seeds of hatred had been sown, 🌾😡,they would surely smother. 🌾😔
So she gathered her friends, the owl 🦉, fox 🦊, and rabbit 🐇.
And together they set out to rebuild "one nation" habit. 👫👫👫🤝

The owl 🦉 taught the people, wisdom of the ages, 📖🦉,
He showed them how to live in harmony and oneness. ☯️🤝
The fox 🦊 taught them the importance of wit, 🧠🦊,
He showed how to defend themselves, not just sit. 🦊🛡️

The rabbit 🐇 taught compassion and love, 🐇❤️,
The queen 👸 showed, how to care for others from above. 👸🕊️
Together, the poetess queen 👸 and her friends,
Brought peace to the land. ☮️

The owl 🦉, with wisdom old and deep, 🦉📖,
Did seek adventure, secrets to keep. 🦉🔍
He soared the skies, with wings so wide, 🦉🦅,
To distant lands, where wonders hide. 🦉🗺️

The rabbit 🐇, with fur so white, 🐇☁️,
Did seek adventure, day and night. 🐇☀️🌙
Through forests deep, and meadows green, 🌳🐇,
He danced and leapt, with boundless glee. 🐇🕺

Unknown to each, on separate path, 🦉🐇🚶🚶‍♂️,
The owl 🦉 and rabbit 🐇 braved the aftermath. 🦉🐇💥
They faced the unknown, with courage true, 💪🦉🐇,
And sought the wisdom that was due. 🦉🐇📖

The owl 🦉, in ancient ruins lost, 🦉🏛️,
Did find a treasure, long since cost. 🦉💎💰,
A scroll of knowledge, old and wise, 📜🦉,
With secrets hidden, from mortal eyes. 📜👁️

The rabbit 🐇, in the forest deep, 🐇🌳,
Did meet a sage, with wisdom to keep. 🐇🧙‍♀️,
He taught the rabbit 🐇, secrets rare, 🐇📖,
Of nature's magic, everywhere. 🐇🌳✨

With newfound knowledge, hearts so bright, 🦉🐇❤️‍🔥,
The owl 🦉 and rabbit 🐇 took back their flight. 🦉🐇✈️,
Back to their friends, they did return, 🦉🐇👫👫👫,
To share their wisdom, and lessons learned. 🦉🐇🤝

They established a new government, 🏛️⚖️,
On justice, equality, and truth, ⚖️🤝,
And in this land, where all were free, 👫👫👫🗽,
The people lived in harmony. 👫👫👫☯️

A threat to peace, group of nobles 🎩 plotted deep, 🎩😈,
The old order they would keep, 🎩👑,
So to the fox 🦊, they made their plea, 🦊🎩,
To join their ranks, and set them free. 🦊🎩🤝

The fox 🦊 was tempted by the power, 🦊🎩👑,
To rise above, higher and higher, 🦊📈,
But he knew the queen 👸 was wise, 👸📖,
And ruled with kindness, not with lies. 👸🕊️

He struggled long, with conscience torn, 🦊😔,
But in the end, his loyalty sworn, 🦊👸,
To the poetess 👸, he did impart,
The nobles' plot, with cunning art. 🦊🎩🎭

The poetess 👸 was grateful then,
To know her friend was steadfast friend, 👸🤝🦊,
And so they planned, with caution great, 👸🦊🦉🐇,
To thwart the nobles' vengeful hate. 👸🦊🦉🐇⚔️🛡️

The nobles struck, with mighty force, 🎩⚔️,
But Queen 👸 and friends 🦊🦉🐇 were ready, of course.
They fought bravely and with all their might, 👸🦊🦉🐇⚔️🛡️,
And they emerged victorious, bathed in light. 👸🦊🦉🐇🏆✨

Their land from tyranny's dark night, 👸🦊🦉🐇🏴‍☠️🔥,
And ushered in a dawn so bright, 👸🦊🦉🐇☮️☀️,
Of peace and prosperity, 👸🦊🦉🐇🕊️💰,
For all to share eternally. 👸🦊🦉🐇👫👫👫♾️

**Verses: The Poetess's Vision**

The poetess 👸 and friends 🦊🦉🐇 did strive,
To make people's lives thrive, 👸🦊🦉🐇👫👫👫📈,
With schools and hospitals galore, 👸🦊🦉🐇🏫🏥,
And jobs for all, forever more. 👸🦊🦉🐇💼💰

They also sought to understand, 👸🦊🦉🐇🤝,
With neighboring lands, hand in hand, 👸🦊🦉🐇🤝👫👫👫,
To promote peace and harmony, 👸🦊🦉🐇☮️🤝,
For all to live in unity. 👸🦊🦉🐇👫👫👫☯️

Under the poetess's 👸 wise reign,
The land did flourish, without stain, 👸🦊🦉🐇👫👫👫☮️☀️,
The people happy, prosperous, 👸🦊🦉🐇👫👫👫🕊️💰,
In peace and harmony, so joyous. 👸🦊🦉🐇👫👫👫☯️🎶

But time did pass, and soon the day, ⌛️👸,
When the poetess 👸 announced her sway, 👸👑,
Must come to an end, 🔚, and she retire, 👸
To let a new generation aspire. 📈

The people saddened, but they knew, 😥😔,
Their debt to her, forever true, 👸👫👫👫♾️,
For she, the poetess 👸, had freed,
Their land from tyranny's dark deed. 👸🏴‍☠️🔥⚔️🛡️

**Verses: A Legacy of Poetess**

So the story ends, but the poetess's name, 👸,
Will forever be remembered, with undying fame. 👸♾️✨,
For she was the one who brought peace and light, 👸☮️☀️,
To a land once shrouded in darkness and night. 👸🏴‍☠️🔥⚔️🛡️

Her name shall echo through the ages, 👸♾️🗣️,
Her deeds of valor, on history's pages, 👸📜,
A poetess 👸 of courage and grace,
Who left her mark on this earthly space. 👸🌎🪐

" Saroj Gautam "

The Queen's Quest: The Realm of the Poetess

In a land not so far away,
Where the sun shone bright ,but  people blindfold obeyed,
A tyrant ruled with an iron sway,
And the people lived in fear and dismay.

But then arose a poetess's voice,
That could not be ignored, its choice,
To speak the truth, to wake the soul,
And make the people bold. 

**Verses:The Poetess's  Call**

Arise, my people, arise!
Let us break the tyrant's chains.
Let us unite our hearts and minds,
And build a nation anew.

Too long have we suffered under his rule,
Too long have we lived in fear.
But now the time has come to stand up,
And fight for our freedom, dear.

We are the people, and we have the power,
To shape our own destiny.
We will not be ruled by a tyrant,
We will not be slaves, you see.

We will build a nation based on justice,
Equality, and peace.
Where everyone is valued,
And where everyone has a voice.

So come, my people, let us join hands,
And create a better world.
A world where everyone can thrive,
And where our children can unfurl.

**Verses: A Poetess's Call to Action**

Her poem spread like wildfire, from town to town,
And the people began, to gather around.
They marched in the streets, they raised their voices,
Demanding justice and their choices.

**Verses: The Tyrant's Response

The tyrant was furious, he tried to stop them,
But the people were united, they would not succumb,
To stand their ground, to fight as one,
Until the tyrant's reign was done.

**Verses:The Poetess's Quest**

But the poetess knew , fight was not over,
Seeds of hatred had been sown,
they would surely smother.
So she gathered her friends,  owl, fox, and rabbit,
And together they set out to rebuild "one nation" habit.

The owl taught  people , wisdom of the ages,
He showed them how to live in harmony and oneness.
The fox taught them the importance of wit,
He showed how to defend themselves, not just sit.

The rabbit taught compassion and love,
Poetess Queen showed , how to care for others from above.
Together, the poetess and her friends,
With brought peace to the land.

The owl, with wisdom old and deep,
Did seek adventure, secrets to keep.
He soared the skies, with wings so wide,
To distant lands, where wonders hide.

The rabbit bold, with fur so white,
Did seek adventure, day and night.
Through forests deep, and meadows green,
He danced and leapt, with boundless glee.

Unknown to each, on separate path,
The owl and rabbit braved the aftermath.
They faced the unknown, with courage true,
And sought the wisdom that was due.

The owl, in ancient ruins lost,
Did find a treasure, long since cost.
A scroll of knowledge, old and wise,
With secrets hidden, from mortal eyes.

The rabbit, in the forest deep,
Did meet a sage, with wisdom to keep.
He taught the rabbit, secrets rare,
Of nature's magic, everywhere.

With newfound knowledge, hearts so bright,
The owl and rabbit took back their flight.
Back to their friends, they did return,
To share their wisdom, and lessons learned.

They established a new government,
On justice, equality, and truth,
And in this land, where all were free,
The people lived in harmony.

A threat to  peace , group of nobles plotted deep,
The old order they would keep,
So to the fox, they made their plea,
To join their ranks, and set them free.

The fox was tempted by the power,
To rise above, higher and higher,
But he knew the poetess was wise,
And ruled with kindness, not with lies.

He struggled long, with conscience torn,
But in the end, his loyalty sworn,
To the poetess, he did impart,
The nobles' plot, with cunning art.

The poetess was grateful then,
To know her friend was steadfast friend,
And so they planned, with caution great,
To thwart the nobles' vengeful hate.

The nobles struck, with mighty force,
But Queen and  friends were ready, of course.
They fought bravely and with all their might,
And they emerged victorious, bathed in light

Their land from tyranny's dark night,
And ushered in a dawn so bright,
Of peace and prosperity,
For all to share eternally.

**Verses: The Poetess's Vision**

The poetess and friends did strive,
To make people's lives thrive,
With schools and hospitals galore,
And jobs for all, forever more.

They also sought to understand,
With neighboring lands, hand in hand,
To promote peace and harmony,
For all to live in unity.

Under the poetess's wise reign,
The land did flourish, without stain,
The people happy, prosperous,
In peace and harmony, so joyous.

But time did pass, and soon the day,
When the poetess announced her sway,
Must come to an end, and she retire,
To let a new generation aspire.

The people saddened, but they knew,
Their debt to her, forever true,
For she, the poetess, had freed,
Their land from tyranny's dark deed.

**Verses:A Legacy of Poetess**

So the story ends, but the poetess's name,
Will forever be remembered, with undying fame.
For she was the one who brought peace and light,
To a land once shrouded in darkness and night.

Her name shall echo through the ages,
Her deeds of valor, on history's  pages,
A poetess of courage and grace,
Who left her mark on this earthly space.

"Saroj Gautam"

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

तेरे संग साथ!

तेरे संग साथ!

ओह !   तुम  ही  हां,  सब जमाए हो,
सब जाने, अपने हाथो, सब लाए हो !

तुम  खुश कभी, रह  भी पाते हो ,
अकेले अकेले कभी, थक ना जाते हो?

सिर्फ अपनी करे जाना, और बात है, 
संग साथ लेकर चलाना, और बात है,

कैसे हो सकती , ये एक  समान है,
हमेशा ही मनवाना, कहां की  शान है?

राग अलाप, खुद मगन हुए जाते हो ,
हम  भी नाचे, इतना क्यों इतराते हो !

मान ही जाएंगें ,खुद पर इतना एतबार?
क्यों चले तेरा, कायदा कानून हर बार? 

पगले वो , जो संग मरे जा रहे ?
हां में हां मिला, बलवा मचा रहे !

पसंदीदा चुन चुन , संग संग जमा रहें  !
दशकों किया इंतजाम, अब ईनाम पा रहें !

 उन्हे देख उन्ही सा हाल ,हो चाहते,
 शुरू हो भी पाए वैसा , कर पाते,

तर्क में , हां,  कुछ गलत बिठाए हो !
संग में ,अकेले ,जीने चले आए हो !

तुम्हारी आंखों में , क्यों पट्टी बंधी है?
राह सामने खड़ी ,पांव बेड़ी पड़ी है?

आज़माइश कि ये, शायद अन्तिम कड़ी है?
राहें  रुकती नहीं,  मंजिलों पर बढ़ी हैं !

समय की धार को, मुट्ठी में मोड़ना ,गलत,
किसी की हसरतों ,को यों तोड़ना ,गलत, 

अपने फैसलों पर, मूंह यों मोड़ना , गलत,
गलतियों पर गलतियां, यों जोड़ना, गलत,

इतनी गलतियां हुजूर,कोई क्यों ही निभाएं?
इतना ही नहीं ,चाहते उस पर मुस्काएं,

अपना काट कालेजा तुम ,पत्थर भरें हो!
उम्मीद हमसे भी , ये  ही करें हों, 

काट कालेजा, हां , पत्थर ही भरें हो!
काहे अड़े हो ? जनाब , काहे अड़े हो?



Sunday, October 1, 2023



O Spring! thou hast come, Herald of life,
Dispelling darkness with thy radiant light.

With carefree spirit and unfettered might,
Thou piercest clouds, a dazzling, welcome sight.

New leaves and blossoms sprout from earth's embrace,
Fresh life and vigor fill the air with grace.

Spring's joyous dance, a vibrant spectacle,
Awakens nature with its gentle spell.

Bees, toads, songbirds, all sing thy praise,
While peacock's vibrant plumage dances in the grace.

Spring's enchanting beauty, pure and true,
Enraptures all, both old and new,

O Spring! the King of Seasons, we adore thee,
For all ,the gifts of life thou bestowest so freely.



लड़खड़ाते से कदम